
By donating, you are helping to improve the health situation in Cameroon in a sustainable way.

With your donation, you can help improve the health situation in Cameroon on a sustainable scale.
With our association Hope and Life Cameroon, we want to establish a medical health center in Bekoko and manage it with local employees. The goal is to create a point of contact that offers advice and prevention work. The aim is to improve the health situation in Cameroon in the long term.

Thank you so much for your support!

Account Information
Hope and Life Cameroon 10034-11009-95768680003

Name of the bank: Atlantic bank Cameroon

Donate by credit card

Step 1 of 2

Who are we?

What would you like to know more about?

Medical center

The Bekoko Medical Centre in Bonabéri, Cameroon, is open for first aid as well as for medical consultations and vaccinations.

NGO Hope and Life Cameroon

Hope and Life Cameroon is a humanitarian association that works to improve the living conditions of the population in order to enable them to live better.

Our partners

Together with strong partners, we are making a lasting improvement in the health situation in Cameroon.